Sunday, November 29, 2020



About Corona Virus as on date




The human psyche is susceptible to various fears and phobias and their intensity is directly commensurate with the extent of our ignorance. As we dread to have an encounter with the ghost because of our false notion about its existence but the moment that notion is removed the fear about the ghost vanishes immediately.

Hence we must enlighten ourselves to clear out the fear psychosis so as to be able to rationally think and analyze the ever changing pandemic situation to effectively deal with it for our own benefit. 

There are certain facts ascertained by various laboratory tests worldwide for Covid-19 virus which are given here as under:

1. It is an airborne virus transmitted by floating droplets emanated from infected person’s sneezes and coughs around 2 meter radius from its source.

2.   Since it is a virus it cannot be treated by antibiotics.

3.  Being a parasite the virus can only reproduce or multiply by destroying living cells of our body (the process is known as LYSIS).

4.    It absolutely cannot get any entry into human body other than nose mouth and even eyes (as eyes have Nasolacrimal duct through which virus can get into the nasal passage) unlike Malaria, Chikungunya, Dengue, Tetanus, Rabies etc. which get into our bodies through skin when ruptured by mosquito bite or dog bite or any sharp contaminated object. Similarly Cholera, Typhoid can get into our body through mouth while taking contaminated food or drink.

5.  The process of adequately multiplying the virus takes about a week or ten days time depending on infection load and the body’s strength of immunity as such virus cannot invade or attack our body immediately on entering.

6.   The virus has a lipid or fatty coating rendering it to becoming very adhesive in nature which enables it to stick to the surface it comes in contact with. As such it sticks to our nasal passage or throat tonsil and nasopharynx area as soon as it gets the entry.

7.   The access through nose is easier as it is open twenty four hours.

8.   As soon as our body detects the invading virus or any other germs our immune system starts combating by sneezing, coughing and increasing profuse secretion of mucus so as to be able to purge out the intruding microbes which have already colonized to multiply rapidly.

In view of the above if we can frame a device by which the entry points, i.e. nose, mouth, eyes can be regularly washed out to make the non-conducive if not inimical environment for the virus to arrest its growth potential. So let us ponder the probable means to counter the Corona attack.

Jal Neti (Nasal irrigation has already been tried out in Augusta University, Geogia, USA, where research and study is underway. Also in Deena Nath Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune its practice is supposed to be effective and found promising to block the activity of the virus to say “Nip it in the bud and stop it before it gets a hold in our body”.

So if we practice Neti Kriya regularly the virus will not get the opportunity to lodge and multiply inside its entry points. The other day, just an idea cropped up in my mind while reading a book “Strengthen your immune system” a Reader’s Digest publication, wherein it is mentioned that liquor of tea has ingredients like Tannin and Catechin which can arrest the adhesive property of the microbes and as such by using saline tea liquor for nasal wash will be more beneficial in countering viruses, germs, bacterial invasion during the pandemic and polluted atmosphere. Hence there is a lot of merit in trying Jal Neti with tea liquor and salt. The author is adept in doing the process; any help or query regarding this matter is welcome. 




Unknown said...

Well explained......presented in most apt way

Swaraj Mukherjee said...

Nice, very informative and useful. Thanks a lot.

Swaraj Mukherjee said...

Thanks to Mr Surojit Mukherjee as well.